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Federal Agency Carbon Pollution Reduction Opportunities Briefing

We need every tool in the toolbox to stop the forthcoming onslaught of climate disasters. As people of faith, we have a moral responsibility to care for our neighbors, our common home and to protect our children's future and that means taking action to address climate change.

It's essential we take full advantage of all the tools the federal government has to offer to make the reductions we need to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. 

Join IPL on July 19th at  2pm ET/11am PT for a briefing on the opportunities for carbon pollution reduction opportunities at federal agencies in 2022 and beyond.

Now is the time for the Biden administration to take meaningful and immediate action to tackle the climate crisis and protect our health, air, land, water and wildlife. That means the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Department of Interior and other federal agencies must set strong standards to clean up power plants, transportation and other pollution. 

The IPL network and our partners are advocating for more than 15 administrative actions across federal agencies that will install measures to tackle the climate crisis. Several of these administrative opportunities will be introduced in the coming months. 

Now is the time for the Biden administration to take meaningful and immediate action to tackle the climate crisis and protect our health, air, land, water and wildlife. Time is running out and the more we delay, the higher the cost of inaction. 

Join us to learn about them and how you and your faith community can advocate for the strongest possible carbon reductions.

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