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Fighting for water rights

by Abigail Knopps

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An algal bloom in Lake Erie in July 2015 shows up in green on a satellite image. (NASA Earth Observatory)

An algal bloom in Lake Erie in July 2015 shows up in green on a satellite image. (NASA Earth Observatory)

As Christians, we are called to put our faith into action, but how do we do this when so much is vying for our attention?

Now I know you are probably thinking climate change doesn’t affect you or it isn’t the issue people make it out to be. A few years ago, I would have thought the same thing but after living through a water crisis — when a toxic algal bloom in Lake Erie contaminated the local water supply — I no longer do. I choose to fight for the water rights of others, not only because I love the environment, but because everyone is loved by God and deserves clean water.

Through climate action, I become closer to and deeper in my faith. Climate action helps us renew and rediscover our faith in God. When our actions are in harmony with our faith, we become better as individuals, inspire others, and become teachers to the rest of the world.

Abigail Knopps is a junior environmental studies major at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana

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