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Laudato Si' Contemplation Training

In this 5-week training, participants will be introduced to meditation and contemplative practices as a way of prayer, Christian joy and compassionate action from a contemplative space. The contemplation training will be framed within the spirituality of Laudato Si’ and the Christian commitment to care for creation and our brothers and sisters. Meditation will be taught as one side of the coin of contemplation and action so that as "Saint Bonaventure teaches us ... 'contemplation deepens the more we feel the working of God’s grace within our hearts, and the better we learn to encounter God in creatures outside ourselves.'" (LS 233)

The training will have a hybrid structure with online lessons through the Thinkific platform as well as weekly Zoom calls on Thursdays. The weekly Zoom calls will have two different times in order to attend to the different parts of the globe, that way participants can join at the best time for them: 8 AM Manila or 1 PM New York. These Zoom calls will also be recorded and made available on the Thinkific platform.
