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Brenna Davis

Brenna Davis is the Director of Education for Justice and Environmental Initiatives at the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Originally from Tennessee, Brenna graduated from Boston College in 2010 with a B.A. in theology and Spanish. After graduation, she moved to Cleveland as a Jesuit Volunteer. At the end of her JV year, Brenna began working at Saint Martin de Porres, Cleveland’s Cristo Rey High School, as a theology teacher and cross country coach. She is a certified spiritual director, Cuyahoga County Master Recycler, and is a member of NCR’s EarthBeat Advisory Panel. 

By this Author

Simple Advent Revisited: Jesus, the guiding star to a simple, abundant life

Simple Advent Revisited: Making simple living a societal norm is up to us

Simple Advent Revisited: Lessons in simple living from early Christian communities

Simple Advent Revisited: Taking a silent night (or day) away from tech

Simple Advent Revisited: Do I really need this? The case of too many spatulas

Simple Advent Revisited: As Christmas nears, rejoice and reorient toward true joy

Simple Advent Revisited: Poverty of many maintains the luxury of others

Simple Advent Revisited: Is your treasure in a department store, or somewhere else?

Simple Advent Revisited: In darkness, discovering peace in candle hour

Simple Advent Revisited: Time to pause, ponder what we truly value

Simple Advent Revisited: Slowing down the holiday season

Simple Advent Revisited: Journeying to a more modest Christmas

At Home in Creation: Sustaining our happy places through radical delight

At Home in Creation: The unquenchable fire in our heart

At Home in Creation: Fighting for life and clean air in Cancer Alley

At Home in Creation: God is as close as your next breath

At Home in Creation: When our inner wells run dry 

At Home in Creation: Drought and flooding in Navajo Nation

At Home in Creation: Water as the gift of life

At Home in Creation: The wholly/holy ordinary ground
