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by MJBImprints
Take A Priest Like You. A long Journey Home
Stood up to be shot by a group of drunken soldiers, a whiskey drinking, “John Wayne” type of priest shows real caring. A racist, alcoholic pastor nurses him through an almost fatal bout of malaria. Devastated by the death of a twelve-year-old schoolgirl, he then has to bury her. A Muslim friend offers him his youngest wife for the night if only he will stay in his…
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by Global Sisters Report
Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood: Contemporary Reflections by Catholic Sisters
Sisters care about creation, minister to those in need, and keep hope amid adversity—their witness and reflections can help us to do the same.
In Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood, Catholic sisters from across the world share their insights about prayer, grace, grief and healing, ministries, and a variety of topics. From the thousands of columns published since it…
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by National Catholic Reporter
Beacon of Justice, Community, and Hope
Through this newly released book, discover the 60-year history of the National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company, sustaining NCR’s commitment to covering the nation, the world, the Catholic Church, and the Catholic faith.
This is the story of one in five Americans who identify as Catholic—more than 50 million men and women whose lives have been shaped by the…
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by National Catholic Reporter
Jesus 2000
To celebrate the new millenium, the National Catholic Reporter invited people to submit original artwork to answer the question, "What would Jesus Christ look like in the year 2000?" The contest was a huge success: NCR's judges, among them the notable Sr. Wendy Becket, received 1,678 representations of Jesus from 1,004 artists in 19 countries from six continents.…