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Carol Zimmermann

By this Author

Supreme Court keeps Title 42 restriction on border entry in place for now

Pandemic-era border policy allowed to stay in place for now

Advocates praise decision to commute inmates' sentences in Oregon

Supreme Court examines Biden's immigration enforcement policy

U.S. Catholic leaders speak out against three November executions

Catholic leaders respond to shooting at Colorado nightclub

Texas death-row inmate takes plea for DNA testing to Supreme Court

Catholic Mobilizing Network honors advocates working to end death penalty

Immigration advocates say DACA ruling should push Congress to act

Federal judge sides with Catholic school over guidance counselor's firing

Catholic leaders weigh in on upcoming, busy Supreme Court term

Court allows NY health worker vaccine mandate without religious exemption

Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump-era policy on asylum-seekers

Supreme Court rules religious schools can get tuition aid

Biden names Schneck, former CUA professor, to religious freedom commission

Catholic leaders speak out against Arizona executions

Catholic leaders decry federal judge's ruling on lethal injections

US bishops urge Congress to address gun violence

Supreme Court sides with Arizona in death penalty cases

Leaked draft of Supreme Court opinion indicates overturn of Roe decision

