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By this Author

Immigration reform among priorities for new USCCB president

As survivors find voice, church leaders wrestle with how to address issue

US bishops' communications shift focus from print to digital

National parks: Places of wonder, history, spiritual refuge

Possible acceleration of Oscar Romero's sainthood cause creates mixed emotions

Nuclear summit stirs new religious expectations from Vatican, activists

No-nukes forum participants want help from Pope Francis

Pope Francis calls for solidarity in creating a world without nuclear weapons

Heavenly sounds ever present at only U.S. Catholic boys' choir school

Priests find physical health to be as important as spirituality

Impact of sequestration felt outside of Washington political arena

Loss of three parishioners a 'terrible blow' to Staten Island parish

Secularism in America: Growing American movement raises concerns

Leniency offered some Notre Dame protesters

Okla. bishop to replace cardinal at Latin Mass

White House stop added to March for Life activities

New vocations in U.S. ethnically, culturally diverse

Vatican orders study of U.S. women religious

Scholars believe Iranian election results will stand

Religious charities gain in a down year

