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Claire Schaeffer-Duffy

Claire Schaeffer-Duffy, a freelance writer, lives and works at the Sts. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker in Worcester, Massachusetts. Her articles and reviews have appeared in America, Commonweal, US Catholic, the collection Nonviolence as a Way of Life: History, Theory, and Practice and Opposition to War: An Encyclopedia for US Peace and Anti-war Movements. Her profiles and investigative reporting have merited Catholic Press Awards. Claire and husband Scott have four children and three grandchildren. He runs marathons, and she, too, is still logging the miles.

By this Author

What South Africa's case against Israel means for President Biden, and for us

Could unarmed civilians help stop nuclear disaster in Ukraine?

3 ways Catholics can work for nuclear disarmament

St. Kateri Conservation Center promotes holistic approach to ecological restoration

Holy waters: Prayer and protest against Line 3 pipeline at Mississippi headwaters

Catholic activist sentenced for Dakota Access pipeline vandalism

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Sharon Lavigne's fighting faith on the bayou

'The Risk of the Cross' reckons with our nuclear danger

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Can we arm the nation without harming our own?

Federal workers struggle for years to prove they got sick on the job

Government workers were kept in the dark about their toxic workplace

Amid poverty and uncertainty, migrant couples are tying the knot

Advocates for gun rights, public health team up to prevent suicides

Feminists weigh in on draft registration for women

Dorothy Day's writings stir deep optimism 100 years later

International Women’s Day highlights a non-violent path to social change

Women's longtime protests at Mass decrying discrimination, war receive bishop's praise
