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David Gibson

By this Author

Obispos de EE.UU. socaban su trabajo pastoral al cerrar la agencia de noticias católicas

In closing Catholic News Service, US bishops undermine their pastoral work

Catholic bishops finally tackle the sex abuse cover-up. Now comes the hard part

Cardinal Kasper is far from controversies for a change, and happily so

At Vatican summit, millennial Catholics have no vote but do have a voice

Facing scandal and division, U.S. Catholic bishops to hold unprecedented retreat

Politics, culture or theology? Why evangelicals back Trump on global warming

Trump's religious liberty order slammed as 'pretty much nothing'

Chicago Cardinal Cupich unveils church-led anti-violence initiative

Trump's budget slashes aid to the poor. Would Jesus have a problem with that?

Is Pope Francis really facing a coup? Or just 'fake news'?

Notre Dame avoids Trump controversy as Pence to receive honorary degree

Vietnamese refugee priest to Trump: Give my citizenship to a Syrian

SNAP founder quits in second major loss for abuse advocacy group following lawsuit

Trump statement on Holocaust remembrance does not mention Jews

Archbishop Chaput slams Trump critics, says Notre Dame should honor the president

Catholic bishops urge Congress to preserve health care coverage

New video of kidnapped priest raises hopes, concerns

A Q-and-A with Fr. Antonio Spadaro, a Jesuit who has the pope’s ear

While Francis frustrates foes with silence, Fr. Antonio Spadaro nails them with tweets

