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By this Author

Canadian bishops' abuse policies do not include way to censure bishops

Abuse crisis is like fire purifying church, says head of Canadian bishops

Canadian House passes motion calling on Pope Francis to issue apology

Motion fails: Parliament wanted to direct CCCB on papal abuse apology

Canadian dioceses rally to help migrants, mostly Haitians, fleeing U.S.

Ottawa archbishop surprised by negative reaction to robotic spider on cathedral

Canadian bishops issue synod questionnaire, will keep results private

Canada's Supreme Court strikes down physician-assisted suicide ban

Liberation theology rooted in Bible, Christ, Father Gutierrez says

Canadian bishops mark 50th anniversary of decree on ecumenism

Quebec to vote on euthanasia bill that contradicts 'basic human values'

Quebec at a crossroads with euthanasia bill, province's bishops say

Quebec's end-of-life bill decried as Belgian-style euthanasia

Jesuit criticizes Western support of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Montreal deacon who was bishops' spokesman faces child porn charges

Canada to appeal court ruling on euthanasia, assisted suicide

Canadian bishop on probation for porn charges

Canada's new Catholic House speaker

Catholic Pakistani minister receives death threats

Human smuggling bill worries Canadian bishops

