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Donna Schaper

Donna Schaper is senior minister at Judson Memorial Church in New York City. She has two green thumbs, one as a gardener and the other as a pastor. She likes to make things grow. She teaches at Hartford Seminary, a leading interfaith seminary, and consults frequently on brick and mortars, real estate and sacred sites. Her most recent book of 38 is I Heart Francis: Letters from an Unlikely Admirer.

By this Author

Nothing like a hedgerow

Turning off the engine

Calmly plotting the resurrection

Lord, teach us to pray

Spirituality for making the Green New Deal a reality

Advent devotionals, abbreviated edition

Biblical plain talk about climate change

Of elves, identity politics and ethics of fracking

Sustainability is a process, not a binary

Decline of humanities education reflects ancient debate

Painted nails on humans speak to beauty, utility

Cloves -- mountain passes, not the spice -- make passage easy

The trauma of losing trees: a memorial

Looking to have an impact on climate change? Start with lunch

We are from earth, Earth

Fun, easy public transportation can end the car commute

10 reasons why environmentalists love to pay taxes

Reimagine worship spaces, resurrect churches from disuse

The green pros and the green cons of teleconferencing

Our Children's Trust lawsuit gives me hope for a greener future
