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Francis X. Rocca

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Vatican news highlights of 2014

Islam, ecumenism and regional conflict on pope's agenda in Turkey

New Vatican financial rules increase transparency, centralization

Pope removes Cardinal Burke from Vatican post

Pope says annulment process should be cheaper and more efficient

Did Pope Francis get what he wanted from the synod?

Pope urges activists to struggle against 'structural causes' of poverty

Pope Francis calls for abolishing death penalty and life imprisonment

Retired Pope Benedict XVI: Interreligious dialogue is no substitute for mission

Pope beatifies Blessed Paul VI, the 'great helmsman' of Vatican II

Speakers ask pope, synod to clear up 'confusion' on contraception

Speakers tell pope, synod that parishes should welcome same-sex couples

Cardinal Burke: Synod should take Communion proposal 'off the table'

Vatican says Paraguayan bishop's dismissal not the result of sex abuse

Vatican puts former nuncio accused of sex abuse under house arrest

Pope names five women to International Theological Commission

Traditionalist leader meets at Vatican to discuss reconciliation

Pope calls for 'globalization of charity' to protect migrants

Doctrinal wars? Both sides fire over Communion for divorced, remarried

Cardinal Pell rules out change on Communion for divorced, remarried

