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Heather Morrison

Heather Morrison is a freelance reporter based in Los Angeles. She loves talking about religion and can be found doing so on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

By this Author

Millennials make their voices heard at San Diego Diocese's Young Adult Synod

Los Angeles foster parents offer generosity, find new support networks

Secular Student Alliance has seen growth at religiously affiliated colleges

Foster mother of more than 100 children works to recruit Latino families

Urban oil well to be shut down, cleaned up after pressure from LA faith activists

California initiative aims to transform care for dying

Santa Clara students gain experience in real-world problem-solving

Crystal Cathedral, home to the 'Hour of Power,' transforms into Catholic seat

Needs, not judgment, come first for St. Anthony's of San Francisco

Esports varsity programs arrive on Catholic campuses

Holy Name of Mary's 90 ministries and counting embrace the broken

Lawsuit against Vatican seeks names of over 3,400 abuse perpetrators

Abuse survivor sues California bishops, dioceses, seeking offenders' names

The Center lends help in heart of Hollywood

New nonprofit coffee shops aim to train and employ refugees

Catholic peace studies at LA high school delves into religion, advocacy

Workshop unleashes entrepreneurial spirit to serve communities

Accelerator program picks 21 social enterprises helping refugees, trafficked persons

North Korean detainee speaks about his ordeal

Social entrepreneurship workshops come to California in July

