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Justin McLellan

Justin McLellan is an Ecuadorian American journalist based in Rome with Catholic News Service, the news agency of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy and theology from the University of Notre Dame. Follow him on Twitter: @McLellan_Js

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At Vatican conference, Massachusetts governor announces Climate Careers Fund

Pope again calls for full prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine

Despite economic interests, society must embrace social justice, pope says

Jordan's king promises pope Christian holy sites will be protected

Pope asks lay Catholics to prepare for synod's 'prophetic' stage

Pope's US ambassador calls American Catholic Church a 'paradox,' self-referential

Seek contact with nature to change polluting lifestyles, pope says

Cultivate solidarity through prayer, adoration, pope tells donors

Pope condemns culture that views people with disabilities as 'burdens'

Cardinals worried about liberation theology in 2013 conclave, pope says

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Pope urges the church to see the face of Christ in migrants

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Pope calls for release of religious brothers kidnapped in Haiti

Medical advances must be at service of those most in need, pope says

Saints are not 'exceptions,' but examples of humanity's virtue, pope says

Pope: Church must stop protecting abusers 'who hide behind their position'

Papal commission to submit first safeguarding report, launches study group

Pope: Despite discouragement, church's safeguarding efforts 'must not wane'

Continuing custom, pope to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass at a prison
