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Kelly Stewart

Kelly Stewart earned her Master of Arts in Religion at Yale Divinity School, where she studied feminist and queer theory and Catholic sexual and reproductive ethics. She is a former Loretto Volunteer.

By this Author

Author urges progressive Christians to organize, fight — not dialogue

'The Ethics of Encounter' makes Catholic social teaching more accessible

Memoir of a millennial steelworker

Abortion and the 'muddled middle'

LGBT groups continue valuable work, despite losing space during World Meeting

Ray Rice and Redemption Narratives

Hard-line positions such as anti-abortion carry costs

It is too soon to declare sexual assault and racist violence things of the past

Pope's rhetoric on women regrettably consistent

Arguments against Brittany Maynard's assisted suicide ignore her point of view on suffering

The synod tells us its priorities, but are we listening?

Difference of opinion, not poor PR, at heart of feminism debate

Church leaders' condescension an affront to Catholic laity's intelligence
