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Mario T. García

Mario T. García is Distinguished Professor of Chicano Studies and History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received his Ph.D. in History at UC San Diego. A Guggenheim Fellow, he is the author of twenty books in Chicano history. These include The Gospel of César Chávez: My Faith In Action (2007); Católicos: Resistance and Affirmation in Chicano Catholic History (2008); The Latino Generation: Voices of the New America (2014) and The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement (2015). He is working on a biography of Father Luis Olivares and the sanctuary movement in Los Angeles. He is the recipient of several book awards and is the 2016 recipient of the Stetson Kennedy Vox Populi Annual Award.

By this Author

Democrats can't stand idly by as US pushes to interfere in Venezuela

US military needs to stay out of Venezuela

José Ovalle, WW2 veteran, was a part of US history few are aware of

The 'browning of America' manifested itself in midterm elections

Yes, Mr. Trump, Latinos speak English and they speak it well

Trump is leading an anti-democratic assault on the U.S.

5 reasons why Mexico's president-elect marks new direction

Nativist, anti-immigrant sentiment in the US has a long history

To call others 'animals' is to deny our own humanity

Undocumented immigrants need Catholic Church's servanthood

Chicano movement walkouts remind us: We must fight for issues like gun reform

We're seeing the most anti-Latino administration in US history

Inaction is not acceptable if democracy is to survive

Questioning the motives, morality of Washington's Republicans

Puerto Ricans deserve US support, not Trump's racist stereotype

Trump's pardon of Sheriff Arpaio shows his true colors

My reasons to impeach the president

Take our democracy back from military

Trying to explain Trump to Europeans

Once again pulled into non-winnable wars
