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Steven Salido Fisher

Steven Salido Fisher holds a BA in political science from the University of Notre Dame and an MDiv from Harvard Divinity School. Raised between the forest preserves of Chicago and the parks of Mexico City, Steven's dual roots manifest themselves in a love of color, storytelling and the outdoors. Previously a hospital chaplain, today Steven writes for a faith-based environmental nonprofit alongside his commitments as an illustrator and beekeeper.

By this Author

Revolutionizing tradition with Kathleen Bonnette's book '(R)evolutionary Hope'

What a pediatric hospital chaplain learned about our idea of 'God's plan'

The symphony of God's creation is the steady beat of sacred hearts

Amid threat of extinction, remember today's 'holy innocents' who couldn't take flight

'Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio' portrays imperfect, yet honest attempt at love

In Advent, a beekeeper prepares for an uncertain nativity scene

Oblivion and salvation in the ark of the honeybees

A hospital chaplain reflects on the power of memory during COVID-19

On the power and promised protection of La Virgen de Guadalupe
