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Tony Magliano

Tony Magliano is an internationally syndicated social justice and peace columnist.

In his challenging keynote address "Advancing the Kingdom of God in the 21st Century," Tony clearly explains how prayerful reflection upon the ancient teachings of the Gospel and the modern principles of Catholic social teaching can effectively guide a consistent, logical and life-affirming approach to the moral issues — everything from abortion to war — facing humanity in the 21st century.

Tony's enthusiastic, informative and inspiring presentation has been well received by diocesan gatherings from San Clemente, California, to Baltimore.

By this Author

I was a stranger, and you took my child from me

Historic gathering of pope and patriarchs for Middle East peace

Pope Francis challenges fossil fuel execs to act now

Pope Francis calls us all to holiness, for all life

Stone soup for hungry children

Martin Luther King Jr.'s wisdom calls us higher, 50 years later

When confronted with injustice, what would Jesus do?

2017 was rough, but this year can be better

Reflecting on Pope Francis' 2018 World Day of Peace message

Recognize Pope Francis' declarations against death penalty, nuclear weapons

Common-sense gun laws, not more guns, would make us safer

No back-to-school fun for child laborers

Stand in solidarity with family farmers, farmworkers

In world awash with weapons, there's a better way

My story as a Catholic conscientious objector

A message from heaven: God is the only way to peace

Pope Paul's encyclical, King's speech more relevant than ever

Walking in the footsteps of migrants

Pope Francis calls us to action

Follow the life-affirming perspective of the early church
