More stories from Rome on upcoming conclave, Benedict's resignation

This story appears in the Conclave 2013 feature series. View the full series.

by Pam Hackenmiller

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Our March 15-28, 2013, issue is in the mail and on its way to subscribers. The issue features more stories from our team in Rome, but now that conclave has begun, those stories could be behind by the time they hit your mailboxes.

To help you stay on top of all things Vatican, conclave and Pope Benedict's resignation, here are those stories:

Final days of Benedict full of unclear calls for change, by Joshua J. McElwee and Dennis Coday

Governance a top issue in 2013 conclave, by John L. Allen Jr.

What's in store for the new pope's first days?, by John L. Allen Jr.

Editorial: Time for courage from those who have most to lose, by NCR Editorial Staff

John Allen is also finished profiling the papabili, or the men who could be pope. Find all of his profiles of the potential pontiffs here.

And don't forget, all of our conclave coverage has its own page on our website. Bookmark it and use it in the coming days for all of the latest from the Vatican: Conclave 2013


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