Round two: conclave of the People of God

This story appears in the Conclave 2013 feature series. View the full series.

by Pam Hackenmiller

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Last week, we asked our readers which of the 117 eligible cardinals in the College of Cardinals they thought would be selected as pope next month. More than 1,000 of you voted in our preliminary round, so here we are in round two!

Below are the 26 cardinals who received the most votes in round one. Of those 26, choose the man you think will be voted to become the next pope. (We are not voting on the person you would like to see become the next pope, but we've received some requests to do that poll next, so keep an eye out.) Check back next Monday to see if your pick makes the top 10!

We recognize that technically, any unmarried baptized Catholic man is eligible to become pope, but since that is unlikely, we are only offering cardinals under the age of 80 (those who will be voting in the conclave) as the candidates.

Need a refresher? Find biographies for every cardinal who will take part in the conclave here.


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Voting will close Friday at 6 p.m. Eastern.


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