Following are NCR reader responses to recent news articles, opinion columns and theological essays with letters that have been edited for length and clarity.
Liberalism's impotence
Among the reasons that liberals are incapable of effectively combating fascism are the false premises they start from (ncronline.org, Oct. 31, 2024). Fascism was vanquished? Fascism hasn't "taken root in America"? If "enough of us love our country" we'll defeat fascism?
Fascism is rooted in the pan-European colonial/capitalist project, which is the primary religion of the vast majority of the world's Europeans, including Euro-Americans, regardless of whatever other religions receive their secondary assent. So while fascism can be temporarily defeated in this or that country it cannot be vanquished, for wherever in the world colonial-capitalism exists there remains fertile ground for fascism. Neither is love of the United States, the beating heart of colonial-capitalism, a sound basis from which to wage an effective resistance against fascism.
Hamburg, New York

Bishops' 'shameful' silence
The reticence of bishops to at least rebuke, if not condemn, the racist attempt at "humor" made at Trump's rally in Madison Square Garden is not entirely unexpected given the USCCB's history of allegiance to the Republican Party (ncronline.org, Nov. 1, 2024). Trump's rally was compared to the German American Bund rally held at The Garden in 1939.
The rhetoric demeaned minorities to the cheers of the attendees. When these excesses were pointed out to Trump he claimed to have no knowledge. However, his rhetoric and actions during and after his administration demonstrate that he is on the same page as his speakers.
It is unfortunate that too many of our ecclesial leaders are quick to rebuke and disparage Catholic politicians who also happen to be Democrats but seem muted when confronted by pejorative rhetoric from their preferred party. The result has always been a loss of credibility and a feeling that our shepherds are not likely to confront the real wolves of our political landscape. Shepherds are expected to defend their sheep but our shepherds seem to rather leave the sheep to discern who are the predators.
Granger, Indiana
Thank you for the article "Catholic dioceses, organizations bankroll state anti-abortion initiatives" (ncronline.org, Oct. 31, 2024). Specifically, thank you for referring to the protesters in the photos as "anti-abortion" and not pro-life. I am appalled at my fellow Christians (especially Catholics) who believe being anti-abortion makes them pro-life even as they endorse assault weapons, mass deportations, and racism. I have said for years that the two terms are not synonymous.
Also, while I do agree that the best approach to abortion is to promote traditional values, I do not condone or support a Christian Nationalism. Somehow that feels more like a "prosperity gospel" than it does Christianity.
Robins, Iowa