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Brian Fraga

Brian Fraga is an NCR staff reporter. His email address is Follow him on Twitter at @BrianFragaNCR.

By this Author

March for Life comes back to DC amid backlash to abortion ruling

Former Catholics for Trump co-chair accused of sexual assault

Victims' lawyers try to make sense of Bishop Hubbard's request to be laicized

Catholic bishops a religious outlier in opposing bill to protect same-sex marriage

US bishops elect Coakley, Viganò supporter, as No. 3 official

US bishops elect Broglio, archbishop for Military Services, as new president

Ohio's JD Vance one of few big Republican midterm election winners

Next week's US bishops' meeting may showcase country's sharp Catholic divisions

Vatican's new synod document draws praise for its signs of listening

Abortion is 'million-dollar question' for Ohio Senate race turnout

JD Vance and Tim Ryan, two very different Catholics, vie for power in Ohio

'New Right' academics argue for biblical lawmaking at Steubenville conference

Activists angry at Republicans for backpedaling on abortion during midterms

Catholic agencies near Martha's Vineyard are caring for transported migrants

Non-diocesan Catholic groups submit their own synod reports to the US bishops

In synod reports, US Catholics call for women's leadership, LGBTQ welcoming

Napa Institute conference focuses on banning abortion nationwide

The US bishops allowed a gay woman to become a foster parent. The broader meaning is unclear.

Bishop's removal of Paulists from Ohio State campus ministry sparks protest

Texas Catholic Charities CEO removed after planning women's empowerment summit
