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Carol Glatz

By this Author

Green New Deals need to respect diverse cultures, Vatican official says

Pope urges nations to create a world free from nuclear arms

World needs Christians to show what journey toward unity looks like, pope says

Praising God purifies the soul, is like breathing 'pure oxygen,' pope says

Christians lift others up by listening, sharing God's love, pope says

Swiss Cardinal Schwery dies at age 88

Pope accepts resignation of Belarusian archbishop

Vatican City State is pesticide-free, imports green energy

Pope encourages church's efforts to bring peace, aid to Syria, Iraq

Frankincense's future: Ancient gift endangered, risks depletion

Cardinal upholds 'probable invalidity' of confession by phone

No pandemic can extinguish Christ's light, pope says at Angelus

Zairean rite offers example for developing an Amazonian rite, pope says

Vatican says bishop ordained in China is in communion with pope

Pope advances sainthood causes for Spanish martyrs, Italian almoner

Majority of cardinals-designate expected to attend consistory

Mary shows how to turn fear into invitation to hear God's call, pope says

Faith requires risks, helping others, pope says at Mass

World Day of Poor initiatives adapt to pandemic, Vatican official says

Vatican seeks to replace its service vehicles with all-electric fleet

