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Carol Glatz

By this Author

Calling Jews 'enemies' is 'unacceptable,' Vatican spokesman says

Bishops must stand firm in truth to lead people to Christ, pope says

SSPX head says Vatican sent mixed messages during reconciliation talks

Despite evil, human beings are hard-wired for peace, pope says

Pope advances sainthood causes of Pope Paul VI, more than 850 others

Vatican newspaper: World will end, but not because of Mayan calendar

Church must highlight women's vital role in ministry, says US speaker

With @Pontifex, pope reaches out to new kind of followers

Vatican praises new UN status for Palestine, urges full sovereignty

Pope sends $1 million in aid for Syria, cardinal delegate to Lebanon

Pope prays for Hurricane Sandy victims, encourages rebuilding efforts

Former papal butler begins 18-month sentence in Vatican prison cell

Material progress not enough to make people free, happy, pope says

Trial set for second Vatican employee; report issued on butler's trial

Blessed John Paul's popemobile put on display at Vatican Museums

Pope Benedict: Ignorance of faith risks creating cafeteria Catholics

New popemobile designs feature imaginative, high-tech touches

Vatican II's call for renewal did not break with tradition, pope says

Pope presents Vatican II messages for laypeople to change world

Head of Legion of Christ, Regnum Christi hands powers to vicar general

