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Washington bishops urge voters to carefully weigh clean air initiative

Harsh rhetoric, policies in U.S. cause migrants more pain, observer says

Devil destroys overtly or slyly by pretending to be a friend, pope says

Observers: Young people need small, nurturing networks to help them discern

Young people want credibility, someone to walk with them, bishops say

Supreme Court examines dementia, health issues in death penalty cases

Some married men would answer a call to priesthood, bishop says

Meeting the challenge: Bishops say synod can make a difference

Texas dioceses will release names of clergy credibly accused of abuse

U.K. court rules for bakers refusing to make cake with gay marriage slogan

Chinese bishop says agreement is sign that universal church is one

Contempt for life is the source of all evil, pope says

Reports: President will pass along invitation for pope to visit North Korea

Aid groups, bishop sound alarm over humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Amid shouts of protesters in gallery, Senate votes to confirm Kavanaugh

Mary is a mother to sinners, not the corrupt, pope says

Pakistan court rules on Catholic's blasphemy charge, defers announcement

Christians must live the beatitudes, not just preach them, pope says

Vatican investigates former Chilean archbishop

Church leaders must face truth of abuse, Cardinal DiNardo says
