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Listening is key to bishops' committee against racism, says new chair

Pope praises retired Pope Benedict's writings on faith and politics

Love is constant caring for others, pope says at parish visit

Trump signs order to give faith groups stronger voice in government

Bishops must protect their people from danger, pope says

States file lawsuits to end DACA

Vatican issues instruction on improving canon law studies

Pass on faith through deeds, not words, pope says

Knights of Malta elect interim leader as new grand master

Pope: Faith says 'no' to Satan, 'yes' to God

Canadian House passes motion calling on Pope Francis to issue apology

Pope leads rosary for peace at Rome shrine

Federal appeals court affirms parish assets separate from archdiocese

Glendon receives Evangelium Vitae Medal at University of Notre Dame

Pell trial a 'turning point' in Catholic abuse saga, watchdog says

Ohio diocese announces bishop undergoing treatment for leukemia

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans

German bishops, Vatican officials to meet May 3 to discuss Communion

Even amid suffering, love highlights value of every life, pope says

Clergy abuse survivors grateful after private meetings with pope
