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French bishops release new stats on child sex abuse in church

Pro-life leaders praise House vote to make Hyde Amendment permanent

Never underestimate the courage and wisdom of women, pope says

Pope confirms appointment of new Opus Dei prelate

Wuerl: 'Amoris Laetitia' about accompanying couples amid life's challenges

Walk for Life West Coast draws tens of thousands ahead of Women's March

As Trump takes office, Mexican priests hear concerns over economic future

'We must wait and see,' pope says of President Trump

The ecology of burial: Choices reflect beliefs about life after death

Meeting pope, Irish prelates discuss ministry of bishop, abuse scandal

Meeting pope, Irish prelates discuss ministry of bishop, abuse scandal

Young adult's 'dark past' becomes asset in ministry to recovering addicts

Duterte order that Philippines offer free contraceptives may face delays

Prayer brings light of hope in dark times, pope says at audience

New embassy a sign of pope's love for Palestine, President Abbas says

As elections approach in Somalia, bishop sees signs of hope

Pope names Boston cardinal, others to Vatican congregations

Bishops of Malta issue norms for ministry to divorced, civilly remarried

Catholic priest found dead in northern Mexico

Cardinal Dolan has a minute to read from Book of Wisdom at inauguration
