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With Roe overturned, march will focus on Congress, laws to end abortion

New Jersey diocese turns to renewable energy in response to encyclical

Cardinal says Asian church must remain prophetic, relevant, responsive

Youth want community, safe spaces in church, council members tell pope

At UN, Vatican urges accountability for 'crimes against humanity'

Texas death-row inmate takes plea for DNA testing to Supreme Court

Hurricane Ian is affecting jobs, housing for many in Florida, not just coastal area

Pope urges Asian bishops to count on laypeople, celebrate diversity

Complaints, coupled with inaction, are poison, pope says

More than two dozen reported dead after Julia lashes Central America

Catholic Mobilizing Network honors advocates working to end death penalty

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew recalls importance of Vatican II

Church officials in Ghana help residents flooded out by dam overspill

Church leaders: Moving British Embassy to Jerusalem 'counterproductive'

Dream of 'synodality' is a fruit of Vatican II, Cardinal Grech writes

FCC votes to help inmates with hearing disabilities make calls more easily

Refusal to help migrants is 'sinful, criminal,' pope says at canonization

Reconciliation: Catholic-Methodist dialogue looks at rituals, mission

Thailand day care massacre an act of 'unspeakable violence,' pope says

Pope appoints McElroy, other new cardinals as members of Vatican dicasteries
