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By this Author

Pope Francis calls death penalty 'unacceptable,' urges abolition

Pope Francis accepts Scotland cardinal's decision to renounce duties, rights of office

British traditionalist bishop is excommunicated for illicit ordination

Catholic advocates push Congress for a budget that protects poor people

United Nations says Pope Francis will visit morning of Sept. 25

Pope Francis recognizes miracle needed to declare French couple saints

Wyoming college says declining federal funds protects Catholic identity

Pope Francis: Kids need values, hope from teachers; teachers need better pay

St. Vincent de Paul members abducted in Syria, whereabouts unknown

Filipino Cardinal Tagle named head of Catholic Biblical Federation

Doctrinal chief says bishops must be accountable in abuse prevention

San Jose auxiliary named Spokane bishop; Franciscan named to Lexington

Hearing confession is source of grace, conversion for priest, pope says

Cardinal: Vatican diplomats have mission to save souls, build peace

Pope Francis to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass at prison, wash feet of detainees

Don't be bitter or give up; offer the world your wisdom, Pope Francis tells seniors

Jean Vanier cites St. Therese of Lisieux, Gandhi as spiritual role models

Haitian archbishop sees new church projects as hopeful sign after quake

Court orders review of Notre Dame's case on contraceptive mandate

In El Salvador, vandals damage statue of Oscar Romero - again
