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Poverty stems from unjust economic system, not big families, pope says

Pope names former top prosecutor to head board for clergy abuse appeals

Nigerian bishop calls for Western intervention to stop Boko Haram

Catholic lawmakers urged to back immigration reform as pro-life issue

Supreme Court agrees to take up same-sex marriage cases this term

Kenyan bishops insist no more tetanus vaccines until further tests

Racially charged billboard puts Arkansas city in national spotlight

Lawmakers say Congress needs to protect institutional conscience

Friar's photos of Oscar Romero show 'humanity that lived in him'

Bishops see signs of resilience in Gaza despite destruction

Possible acceleration of Oscar Romero's sainthood cause creates mixed emotions

Sri Lankans work to finalize the little details for Pope Francis' visit

Franciscan leader in black Catholic ministry named New Orleans auxiliary bishop

Catechism, yoga, Zen cannot open people's hearts to God, pope says

Pope Francis offers Mass for victims of attack at Paris satirical newspaper

Only by loving, serving others can people come to know God, pope says

Omaha, Neb., archdiocese's capital campaign tops $52 million

Court rules Michigan firm exempt from providing contraceptive coverage

Former Catholic Rural Life director Holy Cross Br. David Andrews dies

Indian Franciscan accused of showing child pornography to minor
