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Pope: Use gifts to benefit church, not create division, envy, annoyance

Vatican official says UN framework is best way to fight terrorism

Art forger once posed as Jesuit priest to give his work away

Pope launches alarm, tells Vatican security force to be 'gossip police'

Business leaders explore ways to carry Catholic values to the office

English Catholic bishop resigns, admits affair with woman

Pope: Greed, throwaway culture fuel 'hidden euthanasia' of elderly

Vatican says Paraguayan bishop's dismissal not the result of sex abuse

Rector says cathedral design lets people 'know they are loved by God'

Syrian refugees' reactions mixed to airstrikes against Islamic State

Vatican warns against misinterpreting international law, human rights

Vatican media need to 'up their game,' adviser says

Pope calls for unity among Paraguay's Catholics as he dismisses bishop

Details on 2015 World Meeting of Families emerge as countdown begins

All nations need to respond to terrorism, Vatican official tells U.N.

In homily, pope compares vain Christians to soap bubbles, peacocks

For Marquette University's first lay president, faith comes first

In election season, churches reminded of campaign do's and don'ts

Vatican official calls for shared responsibility in protecting planet

Pax Christi leaders alarmed that airstrikes will aid ISIS recruiting
