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God may scold, but he never slaps, pope says

Archbishop: DOMA ruling, ENDA passage put marriage at 'critical point'

Philippine delegate, Catholics add voices to Warsaw climate talks

Cardinal Bartolucci, former Sistine Chapel Choir director, dies at 96

Something - or something less - for everyone in new farm bill?

47 Catholic leaders urge bishops to support CCHD's anti-poverty work

Bringing home 'dirty money' starves one's family of dignity, pope says

Keeping status quo for undocumented called 'stain on soul of nation'

Retired doctrinal head rejects divisive media portrayal of Pope Francis

Sainthood candidate an intercessor 'for all of God's people,' says nun

From New Jersey to the Vatican, opening a dialogue with the Gospel

Pope names Bishop Matano of Vermont to head diocese of Rochester, N.Y.

U.S. bishops say employment bill goes beyond barring discrimination

Structures must change to end food insecurity, nuncio says

At the WCC assembly, delegates reaffirm mission, evangelism

God expects a wholehearted RSVP to his invitations, pope says

Vatican embassy in Syria hit, damaged by mortar strike

Panelists recall lessons from last effort to fix immigration problems

John Paul's secretary says it was mistake to meet Legionary founder

Women religious ask pope for world day of prayer against trafficking
