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Mississippi abortion clinic stays open; Indiana abortion law overturned

Sister of Notre Dame de Namur named to direct Pax Christi programs

New profession of faith seen as 'public way of witnessing' to beliefs

Father of VatiLeaks suspect hopes son's testimony will help reform

Canada to appeal court ruling on euthanasia, assisted suicide

New proposal would remove mandate's penalties for religious employers

Irish bishop appeals for prayers for a break in the rain

Drought, heat making Midwest corn farmers pray for rain

Episcopal church approves ame-sex blessings liturgy

Pastoral care, solidarity with Guatemalans mark Maryknollers' ministry

Majority of bishops' conferences, except Africa, draft abuse policies

Opus Dei's first prelate praised as sainthood cause moves forward

Illicitly ordained Chinese bishop incurs automatic excommunication

Head of Vatican court describes 'VatiLeaks' as 'most grave crimes'

Religious group praises action to stop student loan interest rate hike

New particle may unlock new discoveries, says Vatican astronomer

Vatican budget shows major loss despite rise in donations

Nuns join with Chicago neighbors in efforts to keep new strip club out

Provision left after immigration ruling could be model for other laws

Appeals panel overturns language mandate for pro-life pregnancy centers
