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Legacy of a Vatican II bishop: ëCivil rights, peace and the care of the poor were his passioní

As rebels launch new attacks, CRS sends foreign staff out of Chad

Pope would like Tridentine Mass in each parish, Vatican official says

Zimbabwean Catholic says church groups in danger 'at any time'

College journalists' stories open students' eyes to world issues

Iraqi Dominican details life in war-torn country

Jerusalem patriarch says people are capable of achieving peace

Vatican official: Cluster-bomb treaty shows solidarity with victims

Children unable to return to school in Myanmar, archbishop says

Pope urges countries to combat causes of hunger, malnutrition

Vatican upholds excommunications; priest, parish board to appeal

Vatican: Attempted ordination of women incurs excommunication

Iowa community rallies to help families after raids

Bishop calls on church to live its teachings on labor in health care

Catholic leaders pray accord will improve conditions for farmworkers

U.S. pilgrims cope with expenses, logistics to get to World Youth Day

Vatican: Receiving Eucharist while kneeling not permanent change

Religious leaders support reworked U.S. Senate climate-change bill

Retired Sydney bishop doesn't want fight with U.S. bishops over book

Assault on religious freedom seen in Michigan contraception mandate
