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Report shows more dioceses establish foundations to fund work of church

Miami archbishop calls out Florida governor for views on migrant children

U.S. Ukrainian Catholic bishops urge prayer, fasting for peace in Ukraine

What happens next with texts approved by Germany's Synodal Assembly?

Leave behind personal securities to follow God more closely, pope says

Laudato Si' Movement wants East African oil pipeline stopped

Republicans introduce immigration bill, but GOP divided over it

'Walk for Peace' in San Francisco urges end to violence, recalls lives lost

Holy Year 2025 should 'fan flame of hope' after pandemic, pope says

Sick must be cared for in body and soul, pope says

At annual meeting, Catholic college leaders examine current challenges

Milwaukee archdiocesan priest named associate general secretary of USCCB

Archbishops' friendly Super Bowl wager also will benefit Catholic schools

Benedict's secretary says former pope has 'full support' from Francis

Broad effort to pass bill supporting pregnant workers focuses on Senate

People have the right to life, needed health care, pope says at audience

Men must join fight against human trafficking, pope says

Fourth Anglican bishop in less than a year received into Catholic Church

Archbishop asks people to pray, says Russian threat extends beyond Ukraine

Rector of Jesuit university critical of Salvadoran government questioned
