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Eduardo Campos Lima

Eduardo Campos Lima holds a degree in journalism and a doctorate in literature from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Between 2016 and 2017, he was a Fulbright visiting research student at Columbia University. He has written for major news outlets, such as Reuters and the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

By this Author

Portugal's clergy abuse commission wants more help from church officials

Brazil's bishops raise their voices against mining on Indigenous land

With war in Ukraine, refugees from war in Mozambique feel forgotten

As the Amazon loses resilience, church and popular movements strive to intervene

Catholic bishops in Angola emerge as fearless critics of country's ruling party

Illegal gold mining booms in Brazilian Amazon, harming environment, health

Amid economic crisis, Brazilians switch from gas to wood for cooking fuel

Catholics decry fires in Brazil and their underlying causes

As Brazil struggles to care for COVID-19 orphans, church agencies try to help

Laywoman assumes high position at Vatican's Latin America commission

With Haiti in turmoil, Catholic agencies trying to help face enormous difficulties

South American church network forms for Gran Chaco zone, Guarani Aquifer

Catholics in Argentina speak out against mining and other extractive industries

Amid protests in Colombia, Catholics emphasize they're on the side of the poor

Like many in Peru, Catholics unsure who'll get their vote for president

'A kind of brainwashing': Brazil's Catholic Church fights COVID-19 denialism

Pandemic complicates challenges for Venezuelan refugees

After abortion legalization, Argentine church searches for a new path

As El Salvador leans authoritarian, Romero inspires Catholics toward change

Francis' teachings inspire Catholics in Latin America's economic protests
