Joshua J. McElwee

Joshua J. McElwee was NCR's news editor from 2021-24. He was previously the publication's Vatican correspondent from 2014-21, where his dispatches from Rome and during papal trips abroad were frequently cited by his peers, and broadly seen as a touchstone for nuanced Vatican and papal coverage. 

Among McElwee's most noted work was his years-long, tenacious coverage of Pope Francis' clergy abuse commission, which through a series of exclusive interviews with ex-members of the group revealed serious shortcomings to its work.

McElwee was also the first journalist to break the news of Pope Francis' promise during a meeting with an international group of sisters and nuns in 2016 to create a commission to study the history of the ordination of women as deacons in the Catholic Church.

McElwee reported for NCR from 39 countries and traveled for the publication in the press pool abroad with Pope Francis 24 times. 

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