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Junno Arocho Esteves

By this Author

Vatican calls for equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution

Pope announces yearlong reflection on family, 'Amoris Laetitia'

Christmas 'hijacked' by consumerist mentality, pope says

Poverty, not presents, is at heart of Christmas celebration, pope says

Vatican allows priests to celebrate four Masses on Christmas, feast days

Pray for one, pray for all, pope says at general audience

Mary is reminder of God's blessing, pope says on Guadalupe feast

Nativity scene is reminder of hope amid suffering, pope says

As pandemic devastates Latin America, pope prays to St. Juan Diego

When in need, don't be ashamed to pray, pope says at audience

Say 'no' to sin, 'yes' to grace, pope says on Immaculate Conception feast

Like parents, God loves his children even at their worst, pope says

Social justice must be founded on care for others, pope tells judges

Latino communities have enriched the church, pope says

At Vatican trial, seminary rector accuses victim of seeking payout

'Just war' theory often misused for unjust motives, cardinal says

Cardinal hopes pastoral initiative inspires much needed unity in Peru

Vatican official marks anniversary of 'martyred' Jesuits

U.N. calls for governments to act after shipwreck kills 74 migrants

Cardinals-designate facing quarantine, trip cancellations due to pandemic

