Mark Pattison

By this Author

Archbishop: DOMA ruling, ENDA passage put marriage at 'critical point'

Something - or something less - for everyone in new farm bill?

Faith leaders welcome government reopening, point to unfinished work

FCC begins process to halt growth of media consolidation

Family, with help from Catholic shelter, seeks to get back on feet

Sitcom writer's road to Catholic church no laughing matter

Poverty, income figures stay persistently unchanged in Census report

Congolese nun wins U.N. prize for work with internally displaced women

Military archdiocese remembers sainthood candidate killed in Vietnam

Number of permanent deacons grows, but many reaching retirement age

House members file Supreme Court brief in legislative prayer case

House abandonment of nutrition items in farm bill called 'misguided'

Catholic rural advocates weigh in on farm bill

A new constitutional amendment? Even if it fails, it may work

Conscience-protection bill for HHS mandate introduced in House

Priests offer tips for Catholics long absent from the confessional

Tide may be turning on how to address gun violence in US, speaker says

Churches, faith groups across nation plan 'preach-in' on global warming

Jesuit scholastic has full plate as head of black seminarians' group

Notre Dame football's rise paralleled Irish-Americans' societal ascent

