Mark Pattison

By this Author

CLINIC joins suit against government seeking change in asylum policy

Report details attacks on, abuses against religious freedom worldwide

Bishops give go-ahead to developing priorities, plans for the early 2020s

Group protests outside Baltimore hotel, objects to proposals on abuse

Bishops approve new edition of national diaconate directory

Bishops OK plan to implement 'motu proprio' on addressing abuse

Bishops pass 10-point plan to acknowledge 'episcopal commitments'

Bishops approve update of texts of rites for clergy ordinations

Protocol approved on restrictions on bishops facing claim of abuse

Nuncio's message to bishops: 'Unity prevails over conflict'

New head of CLINIC is experienced litigator, expert on immigration law

Panel: Reconciliation, justice go hand in hand on global, personal levels

To end racism tomorrow, confront the past today, panelist says

Immigrants seen as making their mark in their new homes

Survey assesses views of bishops, diaconate directors on women deacons

'Deception' guided court cases that legalized abortion, archbishop says

Catholic advocates outline legislative goals for a new Congress

Year in review: Catholic Charities strove to meet challenges of natural disasters

Faith advocates see victories in new farm bill

Ethicist: Gene-editing human embryos 'a train wreck of a thing to do'

