Michael Sean Winters

Michael Sean Winters is the author of Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats (Basic Books, 2008). His biography of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right was published by Harper One in January 2012 to critical acclaim. 

By this Author

US bishops to choose culture war or communion in Baltimore

Links: Big Pharma fearmongering; Mark Zuckerberg's Meta; antisemitism on the left

Virginia governor's race could be a wake-up call for Democrats

Biden's revealing of the pope's words on Communion was impolitic, but forgivable

Time to scrutinize Facebook's algorithms — and what social media do to us

Links: Francis channels his predecessors; fact checking political ads; supply chain problems

When Biden meets with Francis, some heads will explode

Links: Latino voters in Virginia; Missouri's MAGA warrior; flying on French-fry fuel

Archbishop Chaput calls Pope Francis a liar

Wave of worker strikes resurrects our call to solidarity

Links: "Maid" and working, single moms; sustainable energy; our neighbors in Latin America

Pope Francis targets 'post-truth' media and culture in speech to social movements

Links: Vaccine mandate exemptions; Supreme Court changes; ideology run amok

Bill Donohue's criticism of Biden pick for Vatican ambassador shows only his own narrowness

'Pro-lifers' make suicide pact with anti-vaxxers

Links: Palm oil corruption; the blue-collar struggle for social justice

Follow Pope Francis' call to be a listening church — but from a 45-degree angle

Links: New priests; Democratic voter divide; uneven economic recovery

New report on Midwest 'factory towns' shakes up the way we look at politics

Supreme Court's conservative majority tackles hot-button culture war issues
