Michael Sean Winters

Michael Sean Winters is the author of Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats (Basic Books, 2008). His biography of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right was published by Harper One in January 2012 to critical acclaim. 

By this Author

Manchin's mistaken prophetic stance on the filibuster

In the fight against racism, reparations are not the answer

Links: Catholic social teaching origins, voting laws, corporate taxes

Joe Biden teaches 'Fratelli Tutti' Economics 101

Links: Pope Francis on the cross; corporations respond to Georgia voting law

Msgr. John Tracy Ellis on selecting bishops in the US

Good Friday: All you who pass this way, look and see

Links: Catholic identity at universities, meritocracy and the 'working class'

As Francis shows, this Easter triduum there's no room for complacency

Links: Reparations, modern capitalism and the Chinese autocracy

Bring back the assault weapons ban

The bishops and the Equality Act: a train wreck

Links: Passover, Latino voters and Marjorie Taylor Greene on EWTN

Biden goes Trump Lite on immigration

Links: Biden's worrisome immigration policy, executive pay at Starbucks, new Russian history

Catholics behaving badly: MSW has a little list

Want to win Latino voters? Drop the assumptions and organize

Links: Conservative working class myth, visitation at the Vatican, Waldorf-Astoria history

Latino identities, always in the plural, and voting trends

Links: Archbishop Naumann, religion as antidepressant and Yo-Yo Ma
