NCR Editorial Staff

By this Author

Editorial: We need bishops to stand up to spread of fake news

Editorial: We need extreme risk protection orders

Editorial: Young people are not the problem

Editorial: Reclaim Catholic support of unions for families' sake

Editorial: Single-mindedness needed on guns

Editorial: We need a better vision for America

Editorial: Sending Archbishop Scicluna is a smart move

Francis' commitment to abuse survivors in question

Editorial: Stop mass deportations now

Times require loud, bold defense of migrants

Editorial: US policy perpetuates violence in Honduras

Letting abuse commission lapse, Vatican sends disappointing message

Default must be to trust the victim

Fight the tax plan and the coming budget cuts

We're on the verge of a profligate arms race

To stop gun violence, get organized and get vocal

It's not Pope Francis causing confusion

See, judge and act: direction for Catholics

Editorial: Now is the time for action on guns

Editorial: Sticking with Iran deal is in our best interests

