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Nicole Winfield

By this Author

Vatican indicts Cardinal Becciu, nine others in London real estate deal

Pope: Lebanon must remain a 'land of tolerance, pluralism'

Rome tribunal backs Vatican in case against Italian broker

Sardinia charity linked to ousted Vatican cardinal searched

Vatican's financial crimes prosecution hurt by inexperience, say European evaluators

Pope invites Lebanese Christians to Vatican for peace prayer

New Vatican law criminalizes abuse of adults, even by laity

Vatican issues a street art stamp, ends up getting sued

Pope meets Argentine president months after abortion law

Vatican conference features Fauci, Francis — and Aerosmith

Vatican No. 2 intervenes to shed light on Swiss Guard deaths

Pope facilitates Vatican prosecutions for cardinals, bishops

Pope aims to cut down on corruption among Vatican managers

Pope ousts leadership of Ecuadorian diocese amid complaints

Pope meets with Lebanon's PM-designate, urges end of crises

Rome judge orders arrest of Vatican suspect in London deal

Pope celebrates surprise Holy Thursday with ousted cardinal

British judge: Vatican made 'appalling' claims in UK probe

Italy court blocks Bannon-linked plans for populist academy

Vatican excludes gay union blessing as God 'can't bless sin'

