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Paul Jeffrey

Paul Jeffrey is writer and photographer based in the United States. He lived in Central America in the 1980s and 1990s, tracking the church’s role amid revolution and war. Now based in Oregon, he has filed stories from more than 90 countries, focusing on humanitarian issues, women’s rights, and the role of the church in contentious environments. In 2020, he founded Life on Earth Pictures with two colleagues.

By this Author

Lens on Creation: Learning from ducks

Enfocando la Creación: Aprendiendo de los patos

Lens on Creation: Planting mangroves in a tsunami's wake

Enfocando la Creación: Sembrar manglares en la estela de un tsunami

Enfocando la Creación: El agua limpia es un derecho humano

Lens on Creation: Clean water is a human right

Lens on Creation: Planting trees to heal the Earth

Enfocando la Creación: Sembrando árboles para sanar la Tierra

Lens on Creation: Solving problems upstream

Enfocando la Creación: Resolviendo problemas río arriba

Lens on Creation: The dark sky of Creation

Enfocando la Creación: El cielo oscuro de la Creación

Lens on Creation: Welcoming back the eagles

Enfocando la Creación: Bienvenidas las águilas

Enfocando la Creación: Sanando la Tierra, una taza a la vez

Lens on Creation: Healing the Earth one cup at a time

Lens on Creation: A martyr's legacy in the Amazon

Enfocando la Creación: El legado de una mártir en la Amazonia

Lens on Creation: Bad prognosis for disease amid changing climate

Enfocando la Creación: Mal pronóstico en lucha contra enfermedades

