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Paul Jeffrey

Paul Jeffrey is writer and photographer based in the United States. He lived in Central America in the 1980s and 1990s, tracking the church’s role amid revolution and war. Now based in Oregon, he has filed stories from more than 90 countries, focusing on humanitarian issues, women’s rights, and the role of the church in contentious environments. In 2020, he founded Life on Earth Pictures with two colleagues.

By this Author

Lens on Creation: Sowing seeds of life in the midst of war

Enfocando la Creación: Sembrando semillas de vida en medio de la guerra

Lens on Creation: Responding to unnatural disasters

Enfocando la Creación: Respondiendo a desastres no naturales

Enfocando la Creación: Bendecido por los colibríes

Lens on Creation: Blessed by hummingbirds

Enfocando la Creación: Desechar a las personas

Lens on Creation: Throwing away people

Lens on Creation: New life in the garden

Enfocando la Creación: Vida nueva en el huerto

Ernesto Cardenal believed in revolution, and in the church doing its part

Philippine bishop: Duterte's drug war is 'illegal, immoral and anti-poor'

Vatican makes progress on pushing drug availability for kids with HIV

Church leaders in Sudan's Nuba Mountains say they support the people

Hungry, scared South Sudanese stay in cathedral compound for protection

Iraqi Christian leader visiting Mosul sees little future for Christians

Detox, rehab, food: Parish works to fight Philippine drug problem

One year after Nepal quake, people still await government housing help

Volunteers are at front lines of Europe's response to refugees

Priest says situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate

