Peter Feuerherd

Peter Feuerherd, former NCR news editor, is a veteran of the Catholic and religious press, having written for Commonweal, St. Anthony Messenger, and diocesan newspapers in Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Detroit, Albany, Long Island and New York City. He is the winner of numerous Catholic Press Association and religious press awards and is the author of "Holy Land USA: A Catholic Ride Through America's Evangelical Landscape" (Crossroad). Feuerherd writes from Queens, New York, where he is also an adjunct professor of journalism at St. John's University. He is a regular on the basketball courts of the borough. 

By this Author

Parish roundup: Knights aid Florida parishes hit by Irma; sanctuary search

Detroit parish-level 'encuentro' focuses on more than immigration

Real argument is possible: James Martin, Ross Douthat get polemical

Australian bishop urges end to clericalism

Parish roundup: Repurposing church property for social good; how to tithe

Shootings galvanize interest in church security

Study ranks dioceses' online financial transparency; Sacramento at top

'Has America lost its moral center?' asks Fordham panel

Parish roundup: Merger fails; Vermont diocese plans synod

Long Island abuse victims face Dec. 21 deadline for compensation

Mexican American Catholic College meets bilingual needs in ministry

Parish roundup: Weapons in the worship space; sanctuary status; follow the money

Petition asks Francis to remove Madison's Bishop Morlino

Portland pastor shepherds parishioners amid threat of deportation

Parish roundup: Hurricane outreach; pain of mergers; abuse discussions

Sex, gender, religion: Scholars discuss possible 'reformation'

Rockville Centre Diocese to implement compensation program

Methodist experience in closing congregations offers lessons to Catholics

Parish roundup: California wildfire crisis; helping stranded Puerto Ricans

Participation in lay ministry training programs down 16 percent
