Religion News Service

By this Author

Burke: Church under Francis is a 'ship without a rudder'

Bishops object as Catholic universities offer same-sex benefits

Negotiations with Boko Haram a farce, says Catholic priest

America isn't a 'Christian nation' and never has been

An eerie calm: Iraqi Christians anxiously ponder their future

Pope Francis: 'Evolution ... is not inconsistent with the notion of creation'

Is California forcing churches to pay for abortions?

Secularism grows as more US Christians turn 'churchless'

Top Anglican calls for lifting seal of confessional in child abuse cases

Italian priest, unfazed by death threats, goes after the Mafia

Now you can eat with Pope Francis - or at least cook his favorite dishes

Archbishop Chaput blasts Vatican debate on family, says 'confusion is of the devil'

Italy's 'singing nun' covers Madonna's 'Like a Virgin'

Seven lessons from the Vatican's wild and crazy synod on the family

Pope Paul VI is almost a saint. Here are four of his biggest legacies

As Brazilians drift away from Catholicism, Virgin Mary procession as popular as ever

Ebola prompts hands-off Mass in Fort Worth, Texas

Endangered Sistine Chapel to be opened for outside fundraiser

Seventh-day Adventists to decide in 2015 on women's ordination

Conscience vs. authority at Pope Francis' synod on the family

