Religion News Service

By this Author

Respect for clergy drops, but among Republicans, not so much

Pope Francis' Vatican reforms may prompt curial pushback

Students, alumni rally around fired gay teacher at Catholic school

Jesus, Elvis, Aristotle: Who's the biggest name?

Pope Francis is not a standard-bearer for the right or the left

Catholic high school fires teacher who applied for gay marriage license

The priest who faced down the federal government -- and won

‘Crown jewel’ of American printing fetches $14.2 million in record auction

Supreme Court takes up contraceptive mandate, will rule on religious rights of corporations

Behind scenes, Catholic bishops seek an exit strategy for Obamacare mandate

Church of England paves the way for women bishops

Study: Catholic parishes are increasingly multicultural

Prosecutor warns of a mafia threat against Pope Francis

Vatican downplays mafia threats against Pope Francis

Activists to fast on Capitol Hill until Congress passes immigration reform

Rise in Italian Catholic Church attendance attributed to 'Francis effect'

Vatican to display bones of St. Peter for the first time

Washington state voters weigh the ethics of genetically modified foods

Supreme Court to consider religious prayer at government meetings

Cutting food stamps is a bad way to balance the budget

