Religion News Service

By this Author

Standing Rock Sioux celebrate ‘significant legal win’ in DAPL fight

A sermon on COVID-19 and climate change

Released from quarantine into social distancing

'Zoombombing' comes for houses of worship

Joseph Lowery, minister, civil rights leader, friend of King, dies at 98

As coronavirus keeps parishioners homebound, Christian clergy debate online Communion

Caring more for each other could have ameliorated the pandemic. It’s not too late.

Cardinal Burke says faithful should attend Mass despite coronavirus

Is St. Corona the patron saint of pandemics?

Meditating on death during a pandemic

Houses of worship pitch in to help those left vulnerable by virus outbreak

White House takes low-key approach to churches that ignore coronavirus advice

When a priest and housemate falls ill, the practical becomes spiritual

Campus chaplains, religious clubs advocate for students in a moment of anxiety

Spirituality in a time of quarantine

Religious conference organizers cancel, monitor upcoming events in light of virus

In California, residents may be able to compost their bodies after death

Coronavirus is a physical and spiritual threat

Rolls-Royce promotes exclusive Mass with pope — for $155,000

Albany becomes third city to condemn India's citizenship laws

